4th Beta Wave

4th Beta Wave

Dear Community,

everwave is launching a 4th beta wave! For this new wave, we’re offering the chance for it to be kickstarted by you 🌊

Our first 3 beta waves have been curated by us, with the Origin Versions being overseen by our core team. For this 4th wave we’re inviting submissions for the Wave 04 Origin Version. The successful submission will be the seed which Wave 04 will start with - inspiring musicians to contribute and producers to reimagine.

Once submissions close, our discord community will vote for their favorite submission and the highest-voted submission will become the launch pad for the new wave. Musicians and/or the producer creating the winning submission will automatically be included in the splits for the new wave’s smart contract.

Any style is welcome - feel free to let your creativity flow! With that being said, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when creating your music:

  • An Origin Version sets a mood, maybe suggests a direction but most importantly, invites collaboration. It is incomplete by nature, but with enough substance to inspire the listener to contribute to it

  • A key/tonal center is required - even if your Origin Version submission has no clear key center, if you win this submission contest, a key center must be indicated

  • A bpm is required - this does not mean the Origin Version has to necessarily be ‘on the grid’ but bpm gives contributing musicians a vital reference point

  • An Origin Version may be created by one or more musicians

  • Suggestion: have a listen to the 3 waves in progress on our webapp to hear how waves can evolve from their Origin Versions into various different forms

  • An Origin Version gets uploaded as both a stereo bounce (the Version) and individual stems. We will assist with deployment for the winning submission


  • Email us an mp3 of your submission to contact@everwave.xyz before December 12, 9pm PST

  • Submissions should be exported at a max level of -4 db

  • The winning creator will be notified after the public vote and will need to prepare a .wav bounce of their Origin Version, and .wav stems of each instrument/channel of the Origin Version

  • All creators of the successful submission will be onboarded onto everwave if they are not already registered artists

The Timeline:

  • November 11 - submissions open - email mp3s to contact@everwave.xyz

  • December 9 - submissions close - 9pm PST

  • December 12 - public voting opens on our discord

  • December 16 - public voting closes on our discord

  • December 17-21 - winner notified, wave deployment preparation

  • December 22 - Wave 04 launches ready to inspire creativity and collaboration!

We’re excited to be opening this opportunity up to the wider community and can’t wait to hear your ideas!

Team everwave

Dear Community,

everwave is launching a 4th beta wave! For this new wave, we’re offering the chance for it to be kickstarted by you 🌊

Our first 3 beta waves have been curated by us, with the Origin Versions being overseen by our core team. For this 4th wave we’re inviting submissions for the Wave 04 Origin Version. The successful submission will be the seed which Wave 04 will start with - inspiring musicians to contribute and producers to reimagine.

Once submissions close, our discord community will vote for their favorite submission and the highest-voted submission will become the launch pad for the new wave. Musicians and/or the producer creating the winning submission will automatically be included in the splits for the new wave’s smart contract.

Any style is welcome - feel free to let your creativity flow! With that being said, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when creating your music:

  • An Origin Version sets a mood, maybe suggests a direction but most importantly, invites collaboration. It is incomplete by nature, but with enough substance to inspire the listener to contribute to it

  • A key/tonal center is required - even if your Origin Version submission has no clear key center, if you win this submission contest, a key center must be indicated

  • A bpm is required - this does not mean the Origin Version has to necessarily be ‘on the grid’ but bpm gives contributing musicians a vital reference point

  • An Origin Version may be created by one or more musicians

  • Suggestion: have a listen to the 3 waves in progress on our webapp to hear how waves can evolve from their Origin Versions into various different forms

  • An Origin Version gets uploaded as both a stereo bounce (the Version) and individual stems. We will assist with deployment for the winning submission


  • Email us an mp3 of your submission to contact@everwave.xyz before December 12, 9pm PST

  • Submissions should be exported at a max level of -4 db

  • The winning creator will be notified after the public vote and will need to prepare a .wav bounce of their Origin Version, and .wav stems of each instrument/channel of the Origin Version

  • All creators of the successful submission will be onboarded onto everwave if they are not already registered artists

The Timeline:

  • November 11 - submissions open - email mp3s to contact@everwave.xyz

  • December 9 - submissions close - 9pm PST

  • December 12 - public voting opens on our discord

  • December 16 - public voting closes on our discord

  • December 17-21 - winner notified, wave deployment preparation

  • December 22 - Wave 04 launches ready to inspire creativity and collaboration!

We’re excited to be opening this opportunity up to the wider community and can’t wait to hear your ideas!

Team everwave